Category Archives: Industry Application

Dry Film Thickness Measuring System

Film thickness measuring system is used to measure the depth of the coating applied and film thickness

We can prepare a small specimen for Microscopy inspection, Micro Hardness & Element Analysis

Mounting presses and equipment are used to encapsulate specimens of a metal, ceramic or other material with a mounting compound to

Ink Rub Tester

How can we closely simulate abrasion damage on ink found in the field? We use

Benefits of Tensile Machines

Using the Benefits of Tensile Machines “Tensile testing is a common material testing method to

Metallographic Sample Preparation (Major Steps)

“Quality control for metals & alloys are critical to ensure structure integrity and reliability for the

Analyse Impact Resistance with Dart Impact Test

Free-Falling Dart Impact Test is a material degradation simulation process that can evaluate the impact strength and toughness

Testing Toughness with Impact

“A material’s toughness determines if it is suitable to be reused for production or to

Melt Flow Testing – An Introduction

Melt flow testing measures the ease of flow on the melted thermoplastic* to predict how their resins/pellets will behave


WHY USE TENSILE TEST?   Tensile testing is one of the simplest and most widely used mechanical

Why Material Testing is Important

Often in the last step of the manufacturing process would be Material Testing. Yet, the